Contents: General Introduction Acknowledgments Preface Chapter 1. Basic Psychophysics Abbreviations Abstract I. Introduction II. Threshold of Detection III. Discrimination Between Different Stimuli References Chapter 2. Anatomy and Physiology of Sensory Organs Abbreviations Abstract I. Introduction II. Anatomy of Sensory Organs III. Sensory Receptors IV. Conduction of the Physical Stimulus to the Receptors V. Physiology of Sensory Receptors References Chapter 3. Sensory Nervous Systems Abbreviations Abstract I. Introduction II. Anatomy of Sensory Nervous Systems III. Information Processing in the Sensory Nervous System IV. Neural Control of Sensory Processing in Ascending Sensory Pathways V. Processing of Information in the Nonclassical Pathways VI. How is the Neural Code of Sensory information Interpreted? VII. Sensory Information Can Reach Nonsensory Regions of the CNS VIII. Processing of Information in the Sensory Nervous System is Dynamic References Chapter 4. Somatosensory System Abbreviations Abstract I. Introduction II. Anatomy of the Somatosensory System III. Physiology of the Somatosensory System References Chapter 5. Heating Abbreviations Abstract I. Introduction II. The Ear III. The Auditory Nervous System IV. The Nonclassical Ascending Pathways V. Neural Plasticity References Chapter 6. Vision Abbreviations Abstract I. Introduction II. The Eye III. The Visual Nervous System IV. Nonclassical Visual Pathways References Chapter 7. Chemical Senses: Olfaction and Gustation Abbreviations Abstract I. Introduction II. Anatomy III. Physiology of the Chemical Senses References Index
- Capa dura : 480 paginas
- ISBN-10 : 0125042574
- ISBN-13 : 9780125042574
- Obs.: Livro sem uso, com paginas amareladas e um pouco sujas pelo tempo – capa, contracapa, bordas e paginas integras. sem marcas, grifos, marcações ou qualquer tipo de detalhe que possa interferir na leitura ou pesquisa – Conteudo perfeito