This textbook has been carefully designed to provide a thorough introduction to the study of speech. It assumes no technical background, and students from a wide variety of disciplines contributing to this new and exciting field will find the exposition fully accessible. Each chapter progresses from simple examples to more detailed discussions of recent primary research and concludes with stimulating problem sets. All topics essential for a basic understanding of the field are included: the physiological, biological, and neurological bases of speech; the physics of sound; the source-filter theory of speech production; and the underlying principles of electrical and computer models of speech production. – CONTENTS.: – List of Figures; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. A qualitative introduction to the physiology of speech; 3. Basic acoustics; 4. Source-filter theory of speech production; 5. Speech analysis; 6. Anatomy and physiology of speech production; 7. Speech perception; 8. Phonetic theories; 9. Some current topics in speech research; 10. Acoustic correlates of speech sounds; Bibliography; Index.
- Capa comum : 260 paginas
- ISBN-10 : 0521313570
- ISBN-13 : 9780521313575
- Obs.: Livro sem uso, com paginas amareladas e um pouco sujas pelo tempo – capa, contracapa, bordas e paginas integras. sem marcas, grifos, marcações ou qualquer tipo de detalhe que possa interferir na leitura ou pesquisa – Conteudo perfeito