Table of Content: Chapter One: The Current Regulation of Environmental Chemicals; Introduction; Protection of the Water Environment; Classification and Labelling of Chemicals; The Notification of New Substances Regulations; Existing Substances Regulations; New European Chemicals Policy; Other European and UK Regulations on Chemicals; International Activities on Chemicals; Voluntary Approaches to Control of Chemicals in the Environment; References; Chapter Two: Chemicals Risk Assessment and Management; Introduction; Types of Risk; Risks and Hazards; The Evidence for Harm Caused by Industrial Chemicals; Cost-Benefit; Perception of Chemical Risks and the Roles of the Advocates; The Problems in Controlling Risks from Chemicals; Industry Initiatives; REACH; Conclusions; References; Chapter Three: Future Perspectives in Risk Assessment of Chemicals; Introduction; Difficulties in Risk Assessment; Current Developments; Future Perspectives; Conclusions; References; Chapter Four: Assessing Risks to Human Health; Introduction; Chemical Hazard Assessment; Assessing Risk; Qualitative vs. Quantitative Risk Assessment; Role of Epidemiology; Applications of Molecular Toxicology; Uncertainties in Human Health Risk Assessment and the Role of Expert Committees; The Changing Face of Chemical Regulation in Europe; Future Perspectives; References; Chapter Five: Environmental Risk Assessment; What is Environmental Risk Assessment?; What are We Trying to Protect?; What is the EU Legislative Framework?; What are Some of the Challenges Associated with the Environmental Risk; References; Chapter Six: Risk Assessment of Metals in the Environment; Introduction; Ecological Risk Assessment; Comparison of Inorganic and Organic Contaminants; Problems with the Application of Traditional ERA Approaches to Metals; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter Seven: Partitioning, Persistence and Long-Range Transport of Chemicals in the Environment; Introduction; Partitioning; Persistence; Long-range transport; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; References;
- Hardcover : 174 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0854042067
- ISBN-13 : 9780854042067