Obs.: Livro sem uso, com paginas amareladas e um pouco sujas pelo tempo – capa, contracapa, bordas e paginas integras. sem marcas, grifos, marcações ou qualquer tipo de detalhe que possa interferir na leitura ou pesquisa – Conteudo perfeito
Table of Contents:
Preface; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; 1. Introduction; 2. Basic science; 3. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia; 4. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia; 5. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for chronic myeloid leukemia; 6. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for chronic lymphatic leukemia; 7. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for myelodysplasia; 8. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; 9. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for Hodgkin’s disease; 10. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for myeloma; 11. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for severe aplastic anemia; 12. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for thalassemia major; 13. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for breast cancer; 14. Therapeutic decision making in marrow transplantation for non-seminomatous germ cell tumor of the testis (NSGCT); 15. Practical aspects and procedures; 16. The BMT pharmacopoeia; 17. Cytotoxic drug regimens; 18. Unrelated donor and mismatched family member transplantation; 19. Management of complications; 20. Laboratory medicine; References; Index.
Copyright Date 1998
- Idioma : Inglês
- Capa comum : 612 páginas
- ISBN-10 : 0521032407
- ISBN-13 : 9780521032407