Contents – Introduction
- Part 1: Before Darwin
- Chapter 1. Who Are the Unfit?
- Chapter 2. The Unfit in Biblical Times
- Chapter 3. Self-pollution and Declining Health
- Chapter 4. Degeneracy Theory: Identifying the Innately Depraved and the Victims of Vicious Upbringing
- Chapter 5. Dangerous Classes and Social Degeneracy
- Chapter 6. Poor Laws, and the Descent to Degeneracy
- Chapter 7. The Perfectibility of Man Confronts Vice and Misery
- Chapter 8. Evolutionary Ethics before Darwin
- Chapter 9. Hereditary Units and the Pessimism of the Germ Plasm
- Part 2: Eugenics Takes the Spotlight
- Chapter 10. The Jukes and the Tribe of Ishmael
- Chapter 11. A Minor Prophet of Democracy
- Chapter 12. Isolating the Unfit through Compulsory Sterilization
- Chapter 13. The Emergence of Two Wings of the Eugenics Movement
- Chapter 14. Europe’s Undesirables Replace the Domestic Unfit
- Chapter 15. Eugenics Becomes an International Movement
- Part 3: Racism, the Holocaust, and Beyond
- Chapter 16. Racism and Human Inequality
- Chapter 17. Jews as People, Race, Culture, Religion, and Victims
- Chapter 18. The Smoke of Auschwitz
- Chapter 19. The Abandonment of Eugenics by Genetics
- Chapter 20. The Future of Eugenics
- Chapter 21. Dealing with Life’s Imperfections
- por
- Capa dura : 450 paginas
- ISBN-10 : 1621822257
- ISBN-13 : 9781621822257
- Obs.: paginas amareladas pelo tempo