Material developments and advances in the study of corrosion since the landmark Metals Handbook, Volume 13, Corrosion (1987) have driven the development of a volume devoted to the corrosion performance of materials and the selection and application of materials for corrosion resistance. The result: a brand-new 700-page ASM Handbook, comprised of 48 peer-reviewed articles on how metals and nonmetals are effected by various elements. Covers ferrous and nonferrous metals: processed materials, including thermal spray coatings, electroplated materials, and clad metals; special products, including amorphous materials, intermetallics, and metal matrix composites; and nonmetallics, including ceramics, concrete, coatings, composites and elastomers. Includes an article on the global cost of corrosion and a full-color gallery of corrosion damage. Volume 13B, Corrosion: Materials joins Volume 13A, Corrosion: Fundamentals, Testing, and Protection (2003) in providing a scope of information from practical to material selection to the fundamental electrochemical nature of the kinetics and dynamics of corrosion. (Volume 13C, Corrosion: Environments and Industries will be published in 2006 to round out ASM Handbook coverage of all aspects of corrosion.)