Obs.: Livro sem uso, com paginas amareladas e um pouco sujas pelo tempo – capa, contracapa, bordas e paginas integras. sem marcas, grifos, marcações ou qualquer tipo de detalhe que possa interferir na leitura ou pesquisa – Conteudo perfeito
Table of Content
Mechanisms of Action of Caffeine on the Nervous System, John W. Daly and Bertil B. Fredholm Effects of Caffeine on Sleep and Wakefulness: An Update, Jan Snel, Zoé Tieges, and Monicque M. Lorist Arousal and Behavior: Biopsychological Effects of Caffeine, Barry D. Smith, Amanda Osborne, Mark Mann, Heather Jones, and Thom White Coffee, Caffeine and Cognitive Performance, Jan Snel, Monicque M. Lorist, and Zoé Tieges Effects of Coffee and Caffeine on Mood and Mood Disorders, Miquel Casas, Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga, Gemma Prat, and Adil Qureshi Age-related Changes in the Effects of Coffee on Memory and Cognitive Performance, Martin P.J. van Boxtel, and Jeroen A.J. Schmitt Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Coffee/Caffeine Exposure, Tetsuo Nakamoto Caffeine Effects on the Human Stress Axis, Mustafa al’Absi and William R. Lovallo Dependence Upon Coffee and Caffeine: An Update, Astrid Nehlig Caffeine and Parkinson’s Disease, Michael A. Schwarzschild and Alberto Ascherio Caffeine in Ischemia and Seizures: Paradoxical Effects of Long-term Exposure, Astrid Nehlig, Bertil B. Fredholm Caffeine and Headache: Relationship with the Effects of Caffeine on Cerebral Blood Flow, Astrid Nehlig Effects of Non-caffeine Constituents in Roasted Coffee on the Brain, Tomas de Paulis and Peter R. Martin Can Tea Consumption Protect Against Stroke?, Astrid Nehlig The Biology and Psychology of Chocolate Craving, David Benton Is There a Relationship between Chocolate Consumption and Headache?, Lidia Savi
ISBN-139780415306911AuthorAstrid NehligFormatHardcoverPublication Year2004Number of Pages248 Pages