Provides you with an easily understood, valuable reference of modern methods for nondestructive evaluation and statistical analysis. With the help of 1,100 illustrations and 150 tables, youll learn how to select, use, and interpret nondestructive methods for evaluating the quality of parts and assemblies. The basic principles of each method along with its corresponding capabilities are outlined in 23 separate articles.
In addition to detailed information on commonly used methods such as liquid penetrant, magnetic particle, eddy current and radiographic inspection, state-of-the-art developments in digital image enhancement (including color-enhanced images), ultrasonic inspection, tomography, and real-time radiography are also discussed.
Hundreds of practical examples highlight the advantages, limitations, and applications of specific techniques.
Sections include: Inspection Equipment and Techniques, Methods of Nondestructive Evaluation, Nondestructive Inspection of Specific Products, Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Statistical Methods.