Obs.: Livro sem uso, com paginas amareladas e um pouco sujas pelo tempo – capa, contracapa, bordas e paginas integras. sem marcas, grifos, marcações ou qualquer tipo de detalhe que possa interferir na leitura ou pesquisa – Conteudo perfeito
Volume overview: Biology of Tropical Fish |
The phosphagen sistem in vertebrate muscles: New insights |
Detrended Canonical Correspondence |
Mechanisms of Signal Analysis in Eigennia (Gymnotiformes): The Jamming Avoidance Response and Communication |
Habitat abudance pattens of fish communities in three Amazonian rainforest streams |
Recovery of an Amazonian blackwaterfish fauna after extreme drought |
The South American lungfish – adaptations to an extreme habitat |
Management and diseases of the ornamental fish exported fish exported from the Rio Negro basin |
Reproductive behaviour and ecology of two species of Cichlid fishs |
Feeding habits of nine cichlids found in Batata Lake ( Porto Trombetas, PA, Brazil) |
Digestibility of seeds consumed by tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818): an experimental approach |
Effects of season and arousal state on the novelty response in Gymntus carapo |
Temperature and reproduction in Northern fish |
Temperature and responsiveness of teleost melanophores |
Long- and short-term adaptation of amazon fishs to varying |
Comparison of metabolism in two species of Panaque (Loricariidae) |
Anoxia cardiac tolerance in Amazonian and North temperate teleosts is related to the potential to utilize extracellular glucose |
Intraerythrocytic phoshates in 25 fish species of the Amazon: GTP as key factor in the regulation ofHb-02 affintity |
Hydrogen peroxide diffusion in fish gills |
Redox properties of hepatic cytochroms from Prochilodus scrofa (Curimatá) a Brazilian fresh water fish |
Acute copper exposure in freshwater fish: Morphological and physiological effects |
Effects of crude oil on respiretory aspects of some fish species of the Amazon |
The necessity of applyintg genetic markers in fish stock management |
Potential Ex situ conversation impact to fish biodiversity through the cryopreservation of fish embryos
Comparative aspects of air-breathing fish biology: an agenda for some Neotropical species |
Physiological shunts in gills of teleoste fish: assessment of the evidence |
Aquatic respiration in facultative air-breathing fish: effects of temperature and hypoxia |
Hypoxia and blood flow control in fishgills |
Chemoreceptor control of cardiovascular reflexs |
Passive ion permeability as alimiting factor for acid-base regulation in fish |
O and CO exchang in fish: The non-linear release of bohr/Haldane protons with oxygenation |
Control of catecholamine secretion from fish chromaffin cells |
Effect of dehydration stres on the respiratory organs of the air-breathing catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) |
Swimming performance and seasonality in adult brown trout Salmo trutta: are there imlications for the study of tropical fish? |
Inocrease of anaerobc potential during growth of an cichlid, Astronotus ocellatus: Survivorship and LDH regulation after hypoxia exposure |
Air-breathing fish evolution, diversity and adaptation by J.B Graham, Academic Press |
Editor |
Adalberto Luis Val |
Colaborador |
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia |
Editora |
INPA, 1999 |
Original de |
Universidade da Califórnia |
Digitalizado |
28 jul. 2009 |
8521100132, 9788521100133 |
Num. págs. |
460 páginas |